A Little About Myself

I’m terrible at introductions. I prefer to talk face-to-face, as opposed to writing out everything I want to say. In person you can change the conversation. The conversation evolves and grows beyond that initial question of “who are you?”

My name is Kevin. I’ve got a beautiful wife and three children that I talk about pretty often on Social Media.

I was born in Guatemala and came to the United States when I was four years old with everything we could fit in our little four-door sedan.

I began to believe in Christ pretty soon thereafter. We went to church regularly, and one night I began asking why we prayed and went to church, and that night I decided I wanted to be called a Child of God.

Belief is a strange thing. I’ve always known, since that night, that I belonged to God. That no matter what happened in my life, or what I did, that the relationship that was broken with God Almighty from time immemorial was fixed within me.

But that didn’t stop me from trying to run from Him like some sort of modern-day Jonah.

I would go through spurts of time when I was more or less serious about my relationship with God. In seventh grade I joined my youth group’s worship team as a guitarist. As a Junior in high school I volunteered to help lead the new Sunday morning Spanish Service.

I knew God was drawing me more and more into ministry. I wanted to make a difference in the world, but I didn’t want to work for a church. I thought I could be a musician, and performance was my first college major. My college cancelled my degree at the end of my freshman year, so I decided to switch to International Business, and my plan was to go to law school afterwards.

It was in college, though, that I really decided to go my own path. I worked at my church, but I didn’t live a life that honored God.

It wasn’t until my last year in school when I hit a proverbial brick wall that I realized I needed to start listening to God. I got married in March and joined a financial services firm in June. Our first was born in August.

The following year we were doing alright for ourselves. Our second child was on the way, and I switched firms. I was fired at the beginning of December, and began looking for a new job. That was the first time that I really asked God what He wanted me to do, instead of telling Him what I wanted to do.

Since then God has given me a vision for my life. I’ve had opportunities I didn’t imagine I could ask for, met people I didn’t know would impact my life so much. It’s been an amazing journey to this point, and I can’t wait to see where we go from here.

That’s my purpose for launching this site: to see where we go from here.

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Thoughts on Oppression